The Guide to Custom Made Suits
Bespoke suits are often proclaimed as the epitome of the art of tailoring, and it comes with a hefty price tag. The alternative is not just to be okay with a ready-to-wear suit. There is a middle ground: a made-to-measure or custom suit.
It allows you to fit suits a lot better, and you can customize it, not just on the scale of a full bespoke. If you have one of that remarkable mannequins-shaped body that allows a ready-to-wear suit to fit well, it is not the same with everyone else. Investing in a made-to-measure or custom suit can be worth it.
What is a custom or a made-to-measure suit?
Custom suits offer the most efficient and the quickest way to have a beautiful and adequately fitting suit made to your specifications. Efficiency meets personal style with custom fit suits. It is blunt, straightforward in definition since made-to-measure is a term that’s widely used.
Today’s custom-made suits show more signs of being hand-finished – traditionally, a bespoke tailoring sign – but, by the same recognition, elements of a bespoke suit like the central seam in a pair of pants or trousers, are likely to be made using a sewing machine.
In other words, lines are being blurred. And not to mention the amount of marketing – customizable suiting, personal tailoring or custom-made – and the fact that tailoring companies easily dismiss the efforts of other companies and sees themselves as the real custom-made tailoring organization.
Unfortunately, some companies deliberately distort the understanding just to meet the market requirement. Right now, it is challenging to draw a hard line along with the ready-to-wear, bespoke and made-to-order continuous. It comes down to a matter of who is more authentic.
As much as suits are a concern, it is about the quality of the clothes and the experience wearing them. Perhaps, custom suits are best-understood opposite to ready-to-wear as well as bespoke. With ready-to-wear, you can wear the suit as it comes off the box or the hanger.
To find out more about bespoke tailoring, you can check out
Aside from some alterations like sleeve and leg length, there is nothing to change. On the side of the spectrum, a bespoke suit is made entirely from scratch – the individual chooses every feature, and it is created especially for them. Between ready-to-wear and bespoke, lies custom made or made-to-measure.
One analogy that best describes these three is that, if bespoke is going to a Ferrari factory to have everything exactly as it wants it, then custom suits are buying a Ferrari and have the interior outfitted depending on its user’s liking. With bespoke, everything from the collar, the sleeves, down to the seams of the trousers is done from scratch.
With custom-made, the makers work with a guide and adjust it according to how the customer likes it or fit them better. In short, made-to-measure will allow the customer to give input on what cloth or buttons to use, as well as give the makers an idea on how they like their suit to look like.
To know more about custom tailoring, click here.
Is custom-made worth it?
In reality, almost everything in this world that can be bought with money can be customizable in some way – that is what people want, to be able to have some control over the things they buy, to make the item their own. The main idea of custom-made suits is that the consumer becomes the designer.
Is the investment of money and time on custom-made suits a worthy one? It is undoubtedly an enjoyable and faster option. Bespoke offers a unique outfit, but you are talking here about 60 hours and eight to twelve weeks’ worth of time investment.
If you are one of those less-than-textbook shape kind of person – someone tall or broad, short but muscular, with sloping shoulders or your hips is higher compared to other people – custom made suits will save you from all the endless fitting and trials of finding a pre-built and ready-to-wear suit that will perfectly fit you well.
Yes, the original shape of the jacket of your outfit that is custom made will base on the proportion of what is average. But the fit of these suits is still so good that in most cases it would take someone with expertise to distinguish custom-made from bespoke.